Businessman Tuition (Online Lectures / Blended) - ITB STIKOM JIMBARAN BALI
Campus A :  Jl. Raya Puputan Niti Mandala No. 86    Campus B :  Jl. Raya Campus Udayana No. 19    
Campus C :  Jl. Janger, Dauh Yeh Cani
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Businessman Tuition Program / Employee Class
STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business

The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on ITB STIKOM Jimbaran Bali along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates).

Information Systems (S-1)Information System Developer
Multimedia Developer
Business Intelligence
Accreditation B
Computer Systems (S-1)Computer & Networking Security
Game & Automatic Control System
Accreditation B
Informatics Management (D-III)Informatics ManagementAccreditation B
Information Technology (S-1)Information TechnologyTerakreditasi

Prospectus Study Program / Majors / Department

(Job Prospects, Career, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)

1. Prospectus of S1 Information System

Graduate Degree : S.Kom. or Ir. (Sarjana Komputer or Insinyur)

Information System together with Informatics Engineering, is the fastest growing field so there was a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion raises employment opportunities in various sectors of the broad field of Information System include developing information systems, methods and tools (programming languages and database), management information systems and information systems engineering.

Study program of Information System implement, assess, and develop engineering science underlying information system. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools that are needed in the engineering information system which includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Information System are needed in many areas of the world of work, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world infomrasi; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially the field of information systems.
Vision of S1 Information System
  • Being excellent courses in the field of information systems at national and international level as well as play an active role in the development of the scientific community in 2020.
Mission of S1 Information System
  • Education programs in Information Systems and qualified professionals to produce human resources capable of mastering, implement, develop, and innovate in the field of Information Systems.
Educational Objectives of Study Program of S1 Information System
  • Provide professional services as well as produce globally competitive graduates in accordance with the expectations of stakeholders.
  • Creating a conducive academic atmosphere with Student Centered Learning orientation so as to produce graduates who are professional and able to work in the field of Database, Visual Design and Multimedia and Business Intelligence.
  • Produce works that are recognized both nationally and internationally through research in the field of Database, Visual Design and Multimedia and Business Intelligence.
  • Produce graduates who are able to practice skills in the areas of database, Visual Design and Multimedia and Business Intelligence for the benefit of the community and be able to create jobs.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Information System
S1 Information System of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, abilities and skills to create a program in accordance with the business processes, designing and building a database system, conduct Web-based programming, based on the latest and most advanced programming languages, software engineering, multimedia systems, design and build object-based systems; identify the needs of the network in an organization, designing and building a corporate information system (enterprise information system), manage project information and communication technology, auditing information systems, e-business, a trouble shooter computer, etc.

Information Systems Program graduates have the competence and expertise as Analysis System (System Analysis), System Designer (Systems Designer), Consultant Systems Development, Database Administrator (Database Administrator), Network Administrator (Network Administrator), etc., which is able to practice his expertise in the field of database, Visual Design and Multimedia and Business Intelligence.

General/basic competence Bachelor of Information System of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in deal with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of information systems; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help it is able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in information system, able to follow new developments in the field of information systems, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Information System of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business graduates have the competence and expertise to provide integrated solutions in the field of E-Business, Corporate Information Systems, Information Management, Computerized Accounting; also capable of being a reliable information technology-based entrepreneurs; become qualified people who have a high intellectual, creative, innovative and sensitive to environmental phenomena that occur in the community; may provide information system solutions to the problems that exist in society, and so on.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Information System
Bachelor of Information System of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business can work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises (BUMN), IT / IS consultant, telecommunications, manufacturing, banking , insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Department of Information Systems Manager, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Expert / Instructor / Lecturer, etc.

Being techno with established consulting services in the field of information and communication technology systems, business and system analysis, programmer, etc.

2. Prospectus of S1 Computer Systems

Graduate Degree : S.Kom. or Ir. (Sarjana Komputer or Insinyur)

Computer Systems or Computer Engineering (also called computer systems engineering) is a specialized discipline that combines science and Sotware computer hardware, which combines the disciplines of electronics engineering, telecommunications systems, computer science, informatics engineering, information management, and information systems.
Vision of S1 Computer Systems
  • Being excellent courses in Computer Systems national and international level and to participate in the development of the scientific community in 2020.
Mission of S1 Computer Systems
  • Education programs Computer Systems are professional and qualified to produce human resources capable of mastering, implement, develop, and innovate in the field of Computer Systems.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Computer Systems
S1 Computer Systems of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and abilities and Sotware Computer hardware, namely the ability of the system of digital circuits, data communication system at radio frequencies, and electronics as part of the computer as a whole, as well as the ability Sotware has focused on the interaction between software and programs and supporting hardware components, and integrated the knowledge of electronics and digital systems, microprocessors and assembler language, organization or computer architecture, computer networks and the Internet, a parallel computer, etc.

Bachelor of Computer Systems of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business is also equipped with the knowledge, ethics, abilities and skills to make the program fit with business processes, designing and building a database system, perform Web based programming, based on the latest and most advanced programming languages, software engineering, multimedia systems, designing and build object-based systems; identifies the network on an organization's needs, designing and building the corporate information systems (enterprise information system), manage project information and communication technology, audit of information systems, e-business, a trouble shooter computer, etc.

Also have the competence and expertise as System Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator (Database Administrator), Network Administrator, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Network Engineering, Multimedia Systems, Management Information Systems (MIS), System Analysis, Computer Networking, Software Engineer, Artificial Intellegence, Games & Embedded System Programs, Database System, etc.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Computer Systems of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of computer engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of computer engineering, able to follow new developments in the field of computer engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study in levels further.

S1 Computer Systems of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business graduates also have the competence and expertise to provide integrated solutions in the field of E-Business, Corporate Information Systems, Information Management, Computerized Accounting; also capable of being a reliable information technology-based entrepreneurs; quality human being who has a high intellectual, creative, innovative and sensitive to the phenomena that occur in the community; may provide a solution to the problems existing information systems in the community, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Computer Systems
Bachelor of Computer Systems of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business can work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises (BUMN), IT / IS consultant, telecommunication companies, manufacturing industries, banking, insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Can also be a career / profession in a variety of government agencies or private (national and multinational) as System Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Specialist in IT Security, Mobile Application Programmer and Design, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Consultant, web Developer, Artificial Intelligence Applicator, ICT Project Manager, ICT Researcher, Department Manager of Information Technology, Information Technology Development Project Manager, Expert / Instructor / Lecturer / Researcher, etc.

Being techno with established consulting services in the field of computer engineering, information and communication technology systems, business and system analysis, programmers, software engineers, game developers, etc.

3. Prospectus of D3 Informatics Management

Graduate Degree/Mention : A.Md.Kom. (Ahli Madya Komputer)

Informatics Management together with information technology, information systems, computer accounting, and computer engineering, is the fastest growing field resulting in a shift in the world of business, industry, and expansion lead to employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors covering the field of Information Management SIM development (Management information system), AIS (Accounting information systems of), systems analysis and design, information systems for businesses, methods and tools (programming languages and databases), and information systems engineering.

Informatics Management study program to implement, assess, and develop the underlying science of management information systems engineering as a whole. Toward the scholarly study of this course include discipline, processes, techniques and tools needed in information systems engineering includes the planning, development, implementation and maintenance.

Informatics management is indispensable in many areas of the world of work, especially in the face of economic liberalization in the era of globalization can not be separated from the world of information; need to be prepared so that the quality of human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially the field of informatics management.
Excellence & Advantage of D3 program In General
Diploma Program Three (D3) and Bachelor (S1) have their respective advantages, both are needed in the working world. Generally graduate Diploma Program Three (D3) has the designation / title "Associate Expert" abbreviated A.Md. , while the graduate program or bachelor degree (S1) has a "Bachelor" .

Excellence & Advantage of D3 program :
  • Study period of 6 semesters (3 years), so the faster pass than S1, and of course the total cost of their studies lighter than S1, so for people who want a quick plunge in the world of work, it is advisable to take a D3 program.
  • Lecture material more applicable (practice) so it tends to be "ready to use" than S1, but it still depends on each individual.
  • Need for labor to more D3 than S1, because D3 will fill the middle level in the pyramid organizational structure and management of the company.
  • Etc.
Vision of D3 Informatics Management
  • Vision of Information Management Study Program is leading the field of higher education information management both nationally and internationally in 2020.
Mission of D3 Informatics Management
  • Mission of the Study Program Information Management diploma education programs in a professional and qualified and has worked with various groups both inside and outside the country in order to develop and improve human resources in the fields of education, research and community service.
Competencies of Graduates of D3 Informatics Management
D3 Informatics Management of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business Graduate equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and ability to lead a project construction and development of various information systems management function which is the current needs and future; has the ability to design a computer application to translate user needs into a computer orientation; has the ability to write computer programs in some languages applications pemrogramam; perangakat master various software applications according to the latest information technology developments, as well as bridge the gap between end users of computer services to the environment in a computer.

Graduate from D3 Informatics Management of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business has the expertise of computer systems both software and hardware; has expertise treating the software and hardware; qualified engineering-oriented programming interface hardware; has expertise-based information systems computer networks local / global (Internet); has the expertise to design based on engineering analysis software with relational database management system; has the ability to analyze and design the system in terms of informatics and provide alternative solutions-based approach to system; has the ability to apply the scientific method to solve problems in informatics with advanced programming skills; has the ability to maintain the integrity of the self and is able to develop an attitude professionals in the work either as individuals or in groups and as a professional in the field of informatics.

Basic competence is Associate Expert Informatics Management of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business has the quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of informatics Management; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of informatics Management, able to follow new developments in the field of informatics Management, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at a rate of more further.

Graduate from D3 Informatics Management of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business has the competence and expertise as Analysis System (System Analysis), Programmer, System Designer (Systems Designer), Database Administrator (Database Administrator), Web Developer, IT Tecnical Support, Data Processing Supervisor, Senior Programmer, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of D3 Informatics Management
Informatics Management Associate Expert of P2K STIKOM Jimbaran Institute of Technology and Business to work and a career in the field of corporate information systems, databases, networking, software, multimedia, e-business in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) such as state-owned (BUMN), IT / IS consultant, telecommunication companies, manufacturing industries, banking, insurance and other financial institutions, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, hotel, etc.), networking companies, internet service providers, universities, etc.

Career / work as Systems Analysis, Programmers, Development Systems Consultant, System Designer, Database Administrator, Web Developer, IT Tecnical Support, Data Processing Supervisor, Senior Programmer, Manager of the Department of Information Systems, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Teacher, etc.

Being techno with established consulting services in the field of information and communication technology systems, business and systems analyst, programmer, etc.
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